Sunday, April 11, 2010

A sad weekend for my family

After 8 years fighting against cancer, my aunt Lucia died. She was at the hospital since the Good Friday and she was very weak due to a pneumonia. Then a couple of days ago she got in coma and Saturday 3:00 pm she died.
We were already expecting that, but it doesn't make the situation easier. She was a wonderful woman, a strong warrior, a heroine. She never got married and never had kids, but she was a mother to all her younger brothers and sisters and to most of her nephews and nieces.
She was a pioneer. When she was young she came from the countryside to Porto Alegre city, started working sewing clothes and with her first salary she brought to the city her parents and all his brothers and sisters. Most of what our family is we owe to her.
When I was eleven and my father left my mother, my aunt helped my mother to raise me.
When I was with depression, a couple of years ago, aunt Lucia helped me with her words of strenght...
I remember when I was a little kid, she was the most wonderful aunt a little girl could wish. She gave me some of the best gifts I've ever got and some of them weren't material things.
What makes me feel a little better is to remember a couple of weeks ago, when I visited her at home, I told her I loved her. And she answered she loved me too.
I hope now there's a heaven where she can rest in peace. I hope there's a God who'll receive her with open arms. And most of all, I hope someday we can meet again. 

This is the place where she was burried.


Anonymous said...

Im so sorry for your loss, but the ones we love never really leave us, they live in us, in our memories, in our dreams and actions.

Crafty_Witchy_Girl said...

Thanks Maria Isabel! I agree with the beautiful words you've said. My aunt will always be within my heart...

LJ said...

Thank you for dropping in on my blog and commenting. But I am sorry to hear of your loss this past weekend. My condolences.

Mary Welsh Hubbard said...

I am very sorry for your loss.

Elizabeth Peregrina said...

my deepest condolences for your loss.

LittleRed said...

Very sorry about your aunt:( She sounds like a very nice lady that you were lucky to have known. Best Wishes, Debbie